Gianna Tasha Tomasso
Instituent Instances
The main body of inquiry relating to this work can be classified as ‘instituent’ practice. Stemming from an interest in ‘grey’ literature, along with management texts, graphs, flow charts and other forms of information transference working towards a body of work which seeks to examine how such language and presentations of information can have projective content, without any substantial position. This allows for the position to be in constant flux, to easily respond to ‘market’ demands and to avoid ‘fixity’.
This work seeks to probe the notion of networked and reputational economies which are part of and reliant on such language. Considering Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapellos notion of the ‘Projective City’ and how management and corporate language has facilitated the colonisation of capital into our very human existence.
“In this projective city we no longer have straightforward jobs, but instead manage “projects,” involving a wide range of work-like activities within a network of other people. The most successful figures are those who are able to function as a central hub in an extended network, linking together crucial players to collaborate on an ever-expanding range of diverse activities. The key to success today is to be well-connected, to be as much as possible the “who” in the common phrase “it’s who you know,” for this is what enables connections to future projects and maintain, with shark-like necessity, constant motion.”
Boltanski, Luc, Eve Chiapello, and Gregory Elliott. The New Spirit Of Capitalism. London: Verso, 2005. Print.